var log = null; var container = null; var connection = null; var map = null; /// Create a circle model. function circleModel(radius) { var svg = document.createElementNS(webmap.svgns, "g"); var circle = document.createElementNS(webmap.svgns, "circle"); var line = document.createElementNS(webmap.svgns, "line"); svg.appendChild(circle); svg.appendChild(line); circle.setAttribute("cx", 0); circle.setAttribute("cy", 0); circle.setAttribute("r", radius); line.setAttribute("x1", 0); line.setAttribute("y1", 0); line.setAttribute("x2", radius); line.setAttribute("y2", 0); return svg; } /// Example robot class for Stage robots. function StageRobot(name, index, connecion) { // Create SVG content. var svg = circleModel(0.2); // Call parent constructor., name, svg); // Add CSS classes. this.svg.classList.add("stage"); this.svg.classList.add("stage_" + index); // Set up odometry, navigation and laser scanner. var topic_base = "/robot_" + index; this.setOdometryTopic(connection, topic_base + "/odom"); this.setTwistTopic(connection, topic_base + "/cmd_vel"); this.addModule("LaserScanner", connection, topic_base + "/base_scan"); } webmap.extend(webmap.Robot, StageRobot); function init() { log = document.getElementById("log"); container = document.getElementById("webmap_container"); // Create the map. map = new webmap.Map(container, 700, 500); map.addModule("MouseViewControl", 1, 1.5); map.addModule("ShowSelected", document.getElementById("selected")); map.addModule("Teleop", 1, 1.5); map.addImage("background.png", -29.35, -27, 58.7, 54.0); map.scale(500 / 58.7, map.canvas_width * 0.5, map.canvas_height * 0.5); // Create the rosbridge connection. connection = new ros.Bridge("ws://localhost:9090"); connection.onClose = function (e) { log.textContent = "Connection closed.\n" + log.textContent; }; connection.onError = function (e) { log.textContent = "Error: " + e + ".\n" + log.textContent; }; connection.onOpen = function (e) { log.textContent = "Connection established.\n" + log.textContent; // Add two Stage robots. map.addRobot(new StageRobot("Robot 0", 0, connection)); map.addRobot(new StageRobot("Robot 1", 1, connection)); }; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);